期刊Geosystems and Geoenvironment被Scopus数据库收录


 近日,由中国海洋大学与崂山实验室联合主办的英文学术期刊Geosystems and GeoenvironmentScopus数据库收录,并获评审专家高度评价!

Geosystems and Geoenvironment20222月创刊,主编吴立新院士,联合主编李三忠教授,编委顾问M.Santosh教授。 GeoGeo11-4期发表论文74篇,据Google Scholar统计,截至20231月份,被引总次数368次,篇均4.9次,单篇最高已超26次。


 附评审专家评价:The journal consistently includes articles that are academically sound and relevant to an international academic or professional audience in the field. Despite being new Its scholarly relevance as evidenced by citations in other journals currently covered by Scopus. There is a modest amount of self-citation, but the cites come from a wide range of good journals. The articles are consistently of high academic quality, consistent with the journal’s stated aims.
